
In this section, we propose free downloads.

These are files created by us and for which we believe they are likely to be of interest, or potentially useful, to a large proportion of visitors of our site.

We are open to any comments or suggestions about these files, please do not hesitate to contact us at your wish.

Also, if these files happen to be useful to you, feel free to send us a thank-you message or to share your experience using it, it will certainly please us.

Finally, we also propose an article dealing with the problems of organisation, referencing and naming of CAD files. This may be useful if you happen to work on assemblies and you do not have a clear solution to manage your files in Solidworks and in Windows.

Important notice :

As downloads are available here for free, we specify that under no circumstances can we be held liable for any use of or reference to the downloaded files in any way whatsoever.